When should I have Life Insurance?

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You may be waiting for the right time to take out life insurance, but is there such a time? The answer is: Yes, there is, and it is NOW!

So if you are putting off some important decisions, you should make life insurance one of your priorities, after all, your financial well-being and that of your loved ones depend on it.

For you to better understand the reasons to invest in a life insurance policy today, check out the importance of thinking about your and your family’s future below.

Why get life insurance?

The ideal age to take out a life insurance policy is as early as possible, the younger the better. After all, your financial stability now and in the future will be much more secure after taking out a life insurance policy.

As much as it is an individual decision, it is not advisable to stop thinking about life insurance only when you reach an advanced age, because there is usually an age limit for taking out this product.

By contracting a life insurance policy you are ensuring the financial stability of your family, and even your own, in case of serious illness or permanent disability.

What is the age limit for buying life insurance?

To purchase a life insurance policy, insurers stipulate a maximum age, which is usually 65.

To better understand this issue it is important to understand how life insurance is calculated.

The age of the contracting party is one of the main factors in the calculation of this product, and the younger the age, the lower the costs and the higher the sum insured.

I am under 50, is it worth taking out life insurance?

Taking out a life insurance policy before reaching an advanced age has several advantages, check some of them out below:

Coverage in life

The main purpose of life insurance, even for young people, is to ensure the financial well-being of your family.

But the benefits of this product are not limited to this; after all, the insured can also receive coverage for total or partial permanent disability.

Furthermore, there is coverage for diagnosis of serious diseases, in which the insured can receive up to the total value of the contracted capital in case of diagnosis of cancer, kidney failure, sequelae from a heart attack, or stroke.

This way, those who depend on their own resources to maintain themselves will have financial security in case of an unforeseen event.

You can also opt for redeemable options, that is, a type of life insurance that allows the reimbursement of the amount invested after a certain time.

Insurance costs

Another advantage of taking out insurance while young is related to the costs of this product. This is because, even though it is possible to take out life insurance in old age, the amounts are much higher.

On the other hand, those who take out life insurance at a younger age can pay much more affordable amounts.

Since life insurance works like an investment, the sooner you start doing it, the lower the costs will be and the higher the return.

Funeral Coverage

Some types of life insurance cover funeral expenses, an option for those who want to prevent family expenses at a difficult time.

In this case, the insurance can reimburse funeral expenses, or offer funeral services according to the contracted limit.

Children and Dependents

Those who have children or dependents (parents, partners, siblings, etc.) have more reasons to buy life insurance.

This is because by contracting this product you will be ensuring your family’s financial future in case of your absence.

Even in case of disability, temporary or permanent, it is possible to contract a type of life insurance that covers periods without income.

If you have children and dependents, it is even more important to consider taking out insurance for their financial well-being.


Hiring life insurance early not only takes away concerns about the financial well-being of family members but also results in more affordable costs.

Those who are young can guarantee a monthly investment with amounts below what an older person would pay.

For people who work as freelancers and cannot afford not to have any income in case of an unforeseen event, insurance is also essential.

Anyway, regardless of your age or financial situation, consider starting to invest in life insurance right now.

Contact VFB Insurance and count on a transparent and exclusive service to find the best insurance solutions to protect you and your family.

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