Healthcare in the United States: How it Works

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The healthcare system in the United States has very particular characteristics, medical care in the country is high for those who do not have health insurance.

To better understand how the healthcare system works in the United States, here are some points about the peculiarities of medical care in the country.

Does the United States have a public health care system?

Since the 19th century, there has been a debate in the United States about the state’s obligation to provide free medical care to the population. However, decade after decade the efforts of some politicians to do so have been defeated, being overthrown by both Republicans and Democrats.

Private institutions are responsible for medical care in the country, and citizens must purchase private insurance. Only people below the poverty line and the elderly have access to Medicare and Medicaid, offered free of charge for emergency care. 

Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare provides medical care for citizens over the age of 65 who have contributed during their working years.

In addition, disabled people or people who with medical conditions are unable to work also have access.

Medicaid, on the other hand, is intended for people who are in a financially disadvantaged situation. They can access hospital services that are reimbursed by the federal government.  

How does private health insurance work in the USA?

Health insurance companies offer plans with various types of services and coverage depending on what the customer wants to get and how much they can afford.

You can get health insurance in two ways:

Business plans

Corporate plans have the costs divided between the employee and the employer, which makes the amount less for the employees, but who determines the services covered by the plan and the rules is the company.

Individual plans

Individual plans, on the other hand, are more expensive, but it is possible for each person to determine exactly what they are paying for and how much they can spend.

Payment rules

Regardless of whether you will get a company plan or an individual plan, you will need to pay monthly fees to the insurance company that may cover simple care. However, for doctor visits, treatments, and clinical examinations you will need to pay extra.

When you obtain a plan, the insured pays a deductible that will be spent during its first use, and afterward, the insurance company will cover the expenses. There is also the Out of Pocket Maximum modality, which establishes a limit that, when exceeded for some reason, the insurance company must cover the rest.

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Healthcare in the United States: How it Works

The healthcare system in the United States has very particular characteristics, medical care in the country is high for those who do not have health

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